About Me

My name is Valarie. I'm a native of the Caribbean Islands and I'm a natural sista!

I created this blog with the help and encouragement of my co-workers. We work in a corporate environment and being a natural you stick out like a sore thumb. I've been natural 90% of my life and coming to America was a new experience for me but being natural was almost a regrettable decision I lived with. Or so I thought!

Recently in the past 3 years "Going Natural" has been the new Lifestyle Choice. Although I have been natural I would 'blow-fry' and 'flat iron' my natural curls to fit in. My hair was damaged and it was weak and limp. It wasn't until a family vacation back home (summer 2010), where I had no blow dryer, flat iron or electricity... where I realized and finally had to embrace my texture and accept it for what it is.

For me, this was my transition period. I did not have a 'Big Chop' but converting to an all natural approach was a battle and my hair put up quite a resistance. Gratefully I am on a journey of maintaining healthy, well kept tresses. 

With this goal at hand, I have been in the corporate world for 3 years now and being observed through this change had me self conscious at times but good house-keeping was key! So with this blog I want to help get rid of the negative stigma that natural hair is viewed as unkept and unprofessional.

I encourage all my future, transitioning and already natural sisters to comment and subscribe, and be free to share your thoughts and views on natural hair in corporate America.
I will be sharing and featuring photos and posts on 'New' naturals that I meet here in my workplace, their styles and their natural hair journeys.

Much Love -